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LUCOSA Chapters

Lumen Christi Old Student Association (LUCOSA) – a dynamic and passionate network of alumni who share a common heritage from one of Nigeria’s most prestigious institutions, Lumen Christi International High School.

LUCOSA, serves as a bridge between the values instilled during one’s formative years at the school and their professional and personal lives. It’s a network that offers a sense of belonging and camaraderie. Through reunions, social events, and community service functions, LUCOSA provides a platform for alumni to not only reminisce about their school days but to continue living out these values.

The impact of this association extends beyond mere nostalgia. It’s an opportunity to expand one’s professional network and connect with individuals who share a common bond, rooted in the same values. In a world where connections are often key to success, LUCOSA serves as a hub where alumni can leverage their shared background for personal and professional growth.

Below are our chapters, Click on each chapter to read more about them

Abuja Chapter

Lumen Christi Old Student Association (LUCOSA) – a dynamic and passionate network of alumni who share a common heritage from one of Nigeria’s most prestigious institutions, Lumen Christi International High School.

LUCOSA Abuja Chapter, serves as a bridge between the values instilled during one’s formative years at the school and their professional and personal lives in the city of Abuja and her environs.

Lagos State Chapter

Lumen Christi Old Student Association (LUCOSA) – a dynamic and passionate network of alumni who share a common heritage from one of Nigeria’s most prestigious institutions, Lumen Christi International High School.

LUCOSA Lagos State Chapter, serves as a bridge between the values instilled during one’s formative years at the school and their professional and personal lives in the city of Abuja and her environs.

Delta State Chapter

Lumen Christi Old Student Association (LUCOSA) – a dynamic and passionate network of alumni who share a common heritage from one of Nigeria’s most prestigious institutions, Lumen Christi International High School.

LUCOSA Delta State Chapter, serves as a bridge between the values instilled during one’s formative years at the school and their professional and personal lives in the city of Abuja and her environs.

Port Harcourt Chapter

Lumen Christi Old Student Association (LUCOSA) – a dynamic and passionate network of alumni who share a common heritage from one of Nigeria’s most prestigious institutions, Lumen Christi International High School.

LUCOSA Port Harcourt Chapter, serves as a bridge between the values instilled during one’s formative years at the school and their professional and personal lives in the city of Abuja and her environs.

Edo State Chapter

Lumen Christi Old Student Association (LUCOSA) – a dynamic and passionate network of alumni who share a common heritage from one of Nigeria’s most prestigious institutions, Lumen Christi International High School.

LUCOSA Edo State Chapter, serves as a bridge between the values instilled during one’s formative years at the school and their professional and personal lives in the city of Abuja and her environs.

Canada Chapter

Lumen Christi Old Student Association (LUCOSA) – a dynamic and passionate network of alumni who share a common heritage from one of Nigeria’s most prestigious institutions, Lumen Christi International High School.

LUCOSA Canada Chapter, serves as a bridge between the values instilled during one’s formative years at the school and their professional and personal lives in the city of Abuja and her environs.

United Kingdom Chapter

Lumen Christi Old Student Association (LUCOSA) – a dynamic and passionate network of alumni who share a common heritage from one of Nigeria’s most prestigious institutions, Lumen Christi International High School.

LUCOSA United Kingdom Chapter, serves as a bridge between the values instilled during one’s formative years at the school and their professional and personal lives in the city of Abuja and her environs.

United States Of America Chapter

Lumen Christi Old Student Association (LUCOSA) – a dynamic and passionate network of alumni who share a common heritage from one of Nigeria’s most prestigious institutions, Lumen Christi International High School.

LUCOSA United States Of America Chapter, serves as a bridge between the values instilled during one’s formative years at the school and their professional and personal lives in the city of Abuja and her environs.

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